Thursday, 29 September 2011


Started sowing 5 coriander seeds into this small mineral water bottle 3 weeks ago. and finally it is growing! Soon, i can start to eat fried rice with it, cook noodles with it. but the chilli seedling seems like it has a long way to go in catching up with the coriander. Planted like 4-5 chilli seeds. But only 1 came out.... well, hopefully it will grow fast and flower. Then i will have free chilli..... shall start to dump all the egg shells, vegetable waste in the soil, and hope they can grow faster. seems like it has become my garden.... 

Coriander Plant
Seeds sowed, and waiting:
1. Chilli
2. Coriander
3. Ginger
4. Green Bean
5. Capsicum

Beer Battered Fish

after 4 attempts of fish and chips. i finally figured out how to make one super yummy and presentable fish and chips.... But i used so little beer, that the whole bottle of beer looks untouched. got my recipe from here.
But as the serving is for 4, i had to calculate and come up with my own recipe for 1.

Recipe for 1 serving
A = 1/4 cup of plain flour + beer + 1/4 tsp of salt.
B = 1/4 cup of plain flour + 1/4 tsp of salt + white pepper.

Dry the fish fillet with tissue. then coat fish with B followed by A.

with the Nandos Peri Peri chilli sauce, it taste even more yummy.... shiok!

1st try
2nd & 3rd try
4th try

Sunday, 4 September 2011

4 Sept 2011

went to Caribbean Garden market with landlord today. was roaming around from 0900-1400... the market has nothing interesting for me. But i guess if its my sis, she will be busy browsing ard. But well, eye opener experience for me still. took a few photos of the garden.

Birds at the park. and they make lots of 'kwah kwah' noise. I also know cold....

4 vintage cars parked in a row. n i 'booked' the 2nd one from the left...

went many places today. went to landlord's sis house to pick up her sis. followed by to landlord's bro house for dinner. They had steamboat. I ate v little, cos the food is not like what we had back home. but well, got to know more pple. after that went city. didnt know we going city still, and forgot to bring jacket. luck never freeze. overall, v busy day, but got to know more pple, and went more places. casino was really crowded last night. scary.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

2 Sept 2011

first attemp cooking mushroom omelette.... not bad. taste nice and its v filling.... 2 eggs, and 6 small mushroom cups... and i got a big fat omelette.

3 Sept 2011

Adventures of the day: 
1. walked from Dandenong Plaza to Dandenong Station.considering its my first time to Dandenong Plaza and Dandenong Station. (thanks to iPhone!!!)
2. met cyber friend Serene.
3. went to Chadstone Shopping Mall
4. went to Springvale to do groceries shopping, cos friend say its super cheap there. and Springvale is vietnamese town...
5. manage to come home from Dandenong station without taking wrong bus. But alight 1 stop earlier.
6. Durian Smoothie..... 

Manage to cook a simple dinner tonight. just had rice and 1 pc of Basa Fish (recommended by friend). indeed the fish is not fishy at all! but 1kg of fish for $10. Ex! slowly cook and slowly lor.....

Friend is nice, and brought me around. Bought small cute looking bread from Springvale breadshop. Its the hard-roll type. 4 for $1. she bought 4, and gave me 2.... tmr can eat w peanut butter for breakfast and make coffee to go w it... Bread smells really good....

bread from friend. 4 for $1.
Pan-fried Basa Fish

Dandenong Rail Station

Thursday, 1 September 2011

1 Sept 2011

Dinner for the day:
1. Cabbage soup + Chicken Drumsticks
2. Fried rice w 1 egg.
3. Round beans stir-fry w chicken (left over from last night dinner)